Montecristo Open Slam Cigar
Montecristo Open Slam Cigar
Blog Article
The Montecristo Open Slam Cigar is a vitola known as Idlicos that measures 5 3/5 (142mm) x 52 and appears to be a new vitola for the Cuban cigar world. It will join the Montecristo Open sub-brand, which debuted with four vitolas in 2009. The Box is available in boxes of 15 and 20 cigars.
When you light up a Montecristo Open Slam cigar, you'll immediately notice the creamy and aromatic smoke that it produces. The flavors are complex and well-balanced, with notes of wood, nuts, and spices that develop throughout the smoke. The cigar has a mild-to-medium strength profile, making it perfect for both novice and experienced cigar enthusiasts.
The duration of the cigar will depend on factors such as how tightly it is packed and how quickly you smoke it. On average, it should last between 45 minutes to an hour.
Overall, the Cigar is a well-crafted and delicious smoke that is perfect for enjoying on a warm summer day or at a casual outdoor gathering check here with friends. Whether you're a seasoned cigar aficionado or just starting out, the Montecristo Open Slam is sure to impress.
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